Emeritus professor
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology
Mercer University School of Medicine
United States of America
Dr. Lauterbach received his M.D. from Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC and psychiatry residency training from Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. He subsequently completed a neurology fellowship in movement disorders and neurodegenerative disease and is ABPN board certified.
Dr. Lauterbach received his M.D. from Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC and psychiatry residency training from Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. He subsequently completed a neurology fellowship in movement disorders and neurodegenerative disease and is ABPN board certified. He has served as Director of Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry and Chair of the Research Committee at Mercer University School of Medicine, and, for the overall university, as Founding Director of the Center for Translational Studies in Neurodegenerative Disease and Chair of the Research Committee. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurology and is a Fellow of the American Neuropsychiatric Association (ANPA) and Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). He has served as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, member of the Senior Editorial Board of the American Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease, Chair of the ANPA Committee on Research, member of the ANPA Advisory Committee, Course Director and Symposium Chair at numerous annual courses at the APA and other organizations, Expert Consultant to several practice guidelines, and peer reviewer for over 50 medical journals. His interests have been in psychopharmacology (especially pharmacodynamics and mechanisms of action), neuropsychiatry, and neurodegenerative diseases. His publications have focused on psychopharmacology, pharmacodynamics, and psychiatric conditions in the neurological patient. He has given over 100 invited medical lectures.
Prof. Kurt A Jellinger
Institute of Clinical Neurobiology
Department of Neurobiology
Tel: +43-1-526-65-34
Dr. Kurt A Jellinger worked as Associate Professor in the institute of Neurology Vienna (1996); Full Professor of neuropathology Med. Univ. Vienna (1973); Director Deptartment of Neurology, Lainz-Hospital, Vienna (1976-30 September 1997); Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Clinical Neurobiology, Vienna (1977-2002);
Dr. Kurt A Jellinger worked as Associate Professor in the institute of Neurology Vienna (1996); Full Professor of neuropathology Med. Univ. Vienna (1973); Director Deptartment of Neurology, Lainz-Hospital, Vienna (1976-30 September 1997); Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Clinical Neurobiology, Vienna (1977-2002); Guest Professor Univ.of Graz & Innsbruck School of Medicine (1998-2000); since May 2002 Chief, Institute of Clinical Neurobiology, Vienna, Austria. Dr. Kurt A Jellinger is an Executive editor Acta Neuropathologica (1978-2005), member of editorial boards of many international journals. 568 papers in international refereed journals and 332 reviews and chapters in handbooks, editor and co-editor of 10 books. Reviewer for many international scientific journals. Editor-in-Chief of three free access neurology and neurobiology journals.Dr. Kurt A Jellinger research interests include neuropathology, brain aging, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, non-Alzheimer dementias, movement disorders, CNS aging, neurodegenerative disorders and vascular dementia, multiple system atrophy, vascular depression.
Prof. Ulrich Muller
Institute of Human Genetics
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Tel: 0641-99-41601
Dr. Ulrich muller received his M.D. from University of Freiburg in 1977. He worked as Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics from Harvard Medical School (1991-1992). He is working as Professor and Director in the Institute of Human Genetics of
Dr. Ulrich muller received his M.D. from University of Freiburg in 1977. He worked as Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics from Harvard Medical School (1991-1992). He is working as Professor and Director in the Institute of Human Genetics of Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany from 1992 to till date.Dr. Ulrich muller research interests includes neurogenetic disorders including the X-linked dystonia, parkinsonism syndrome,Dopa-responsive dystonia,spinocerebellar ataxias, Alzheimer disease, paragangliomas, craniosynostoses, progressive supranuclear palsy.
Dr. Marcie Zinn
Center for Community Research
DePaul University
United States of America
Tel: 877-963-8763
Dr. Marcie Zinn is a Director of Center for Community Research in DePaul University, USA. Dr. Zinn received her BS and MS in Psychology from Illinois State University and two Ph.D. from Illinois Institute of Technology in Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation
Dr. Marcie Zinn is a Director of Center for Community Research in DePaul University, USA. Dr. Zinn received her BS and MS in Psychology from Illinois State University and two Ph.D. from Illinois Institute of Technology in Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation (Health) psychology. From 2009-2014 she was research consultant in cognitive neuroscience of infectious diseases at the Stanford Department of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine, directing the neuroimaging and neuroscience lab to explore human performance in individuals with diagnosed medical conditions which produce neural impairment. She currently (since 2014) directs the Electrical Neuroimaging Lab at the Center for Community Research at DePaul University, Chicago. Dr. Zinn research interests include rare diseases, seeking to understand the role of the cortex in the etiology of medical diseases, especially Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
Prof. Sung-Joo Hwang
College of Pharmacy
Yonsei University
Tel: 82-32-749-4105
Prof. Sung-Joo Hwang is a Professor in the College of Pharmacy, Yonsei University, Korea. He is also a Director in Yonsei Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Korea. Dr. Hwang was honored by Young Scientist Award in 1995, Academy Award
Prof. Sung-Joo Hwang is a Professor in the College of Pharmacy, Yonsei University, Korea. He is also a Director in Yonsei Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Korea. Dr. Hwang was honored by Young Scientist Award in 1995, Academy Award in 2002, Outstanding achievement faculty award for research, 2015. Dr. Hwang received his Ph.D in 1990 in the Department of Pharmaceutics. Dr. Sung-Joo Hwang research interests includes Nanoparticle technology for drug delivery, Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalent study.
Dr. Konstantinos Tsirigotis
Department of Psychology
Jan Kochanowski University
Tel: +48-44-732-74-00
Dr. Konstantinos Tsirigotis is Department Head of Psychology in Jan Kochanowski University, Poland. Dr. Tsirigotis is honored with the first prize for the best original, research project in the area of psychiatry, Polish Psy-chiatric Association, 1998, The Jan Kochanowski University Rector
Dr. Konstantinos Tsirigotis is Department Head of Psychology in Jan Kochanowski University, Poland. Dr. Tsirigotis is honored with the first prize for the best original, research project in the area of psychiatry, Polish Psy-chiatric Association, 1998, The Jan Kochanowski University Rector Award for scientific and academic achievements 2011-2015. Dr. Konstantinos Tsirigotis research interests include psycho(patho)logy of schizophrenia, indirect self-destructiveness, addiction and other clinical issues, psychological help and psychotherapy, gender psychology and psychopathology, psychology and psychopathology of women, psychology of love and positive psychology.
Dr. Hassaan Tohid
Associate Professor
Department of Clinical Neurosciences & Psychology
California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences & Psychology
United States of America
Dr. Hassaan Tohid (CASN) is a neuroscientist, public speaker, medical professional, researcher, book editor and a published author. He served as a member of American Neuropsychiatric Association and is currently also a Leadership Council member for American Cancer Society. Dr. Tohid
Dr. Hassaan Tohid (CASN) is a neuroscientist, public speaker, medical professional, researcher, book editor and a published author. He served as a member of American Neuropsychiatric Association and is currently also a Leadership Council member for American Cancer Society. Dr. Tohid is the Editor in Chief for five scientific peer reviewed journals and also serves as an editorial board member for around 100 scientific peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Hassaan Tohid research include Memory, Dementia, Frontotemporal Dementia, Neuroimaging, fMRI, EEG, denial (defense mechanism), epilepsy, psychogenic seizures, neurodegeneration, mirror neurons, autism and autism spectrum, psychosomatics, psychodermatology, neurosurgery, cultural psychiatry, social psychiatry, different techniques of neuroimaging, nanotechnology and its relevance to neuroimaging, Psychopharmacology, Anti-GAD syndrome and Stiff person syndrome, Schizophrenia, psychosis, dissociative Identity disorder, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Stroke.
Dr. Ornit Chiba Falek
Associate Professor
Dept of Neurology
Duke University School of Medicine
United States of America
Tel: 919-681-8001
Dr. Chiba-Falek is an Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology at Duke University School of Medicine and a faculty in the Bryan Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC). She is also a faculty member in the Duke’s Center for Genomic and
Dr. Chiba-Falek is an Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology at Duke University School of Medicine and a faculty in the Bryan Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC). She is also a faculty member in the Duke’s Center for Genomic and Computational Biology (GCB), and a faculty in the Division of Human Genetics. Dr. Chiba-Falek received her PhD in Genetics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and post-doctoral training in Neurogenetics at the National Human Genome Research Institute. She joined the faculty at Duke University in 2007. Dr. Ornit Chiba Falek research interests includes regulation of gene expression and splicing in neurodegenerative diseased brains, molecular genetics of the human aging brain in health and disease, neurogenetics, Molecular mechanism/s underlying human complex traits, cognitive Genetics and Genomics, basic and applied research to advance drug discovery for AD prevention and delay of onset, development and execution of high-throughput genotyping assays to facilitate pre-clinical and clinical.
Dr. Henrik Berg Rasmussen
Associate Professor
Mental Health Centre Sct. Hans
Copenhagen University Hospital
Dr. Henrik Berg Rasmussen is a Research Leader at the Institute of Biological Psychiatry and a Head of the "Unit of Personalized Medicine”, Mental Health Centre Sct. Hans, the Psychiatric Services of the Capital Region of Denmark. He is also an
Dr. Henrik Berg Rasmussen is a Research Leader at the Institute of Biological Psychiatry and a Head of the "Unit of Personalized Medicine”, Mental Health Centre Sct. Hans, the Psychiatric Services of the Capital Region of Denmark. He is also an Associate Professor of Medical Biology, Roskilde University, Denmark. He graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 1981. In 1987 he recieved his Ph.D degree within the fields of microbiology and immunology. Before acquiring his present position at the Institute of Biological Psychiatry in 2001, Dr. Rasmussen held the positions as scientific fellow and research associate professor at the Laboratory of Neurochemistry and Neuroimmunology, Roskilde University. Dr. Rasmussen’s research interests include psychiatric genetics, personalized medicine and metabolomics. His vision is to improve the pharmacological treatment of ADHD, psychotic disorders and cardiovascular diseases using pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics supplemented with metabolomics.
Dr. Ming Xiao
Department of Anatomy
Nanjing Medical University
Tel: +86-25-86862881
Dr. Ming Xiao is a Professor in the Department of Anatomy, Nanjing Medical University, China. Dr. Xiao received his M.S from Nanjing Medical University in the Department of Human Anatomy, Histology & Embrology in 200 and Ph.D. from Nanjing Medical University
Dr. Ming Xiao is a Professor in the Department of Anatomy, Nanjing Medical University, China. Dr. Xiao received his M.S from Nanjing Medical University in the Department of Human Anatomy, Histology & Embrology in 200 and Ph.D. from Nanjing Medical University in the Department of Neuropharmacology in 2005. He received National Excellent Teaching Team of Human Anatomy, Histology & Embryology in 2010 and outstanding Young Academic Leaders of NMU in 2013. His research interests include search for the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying brain ageing and related neurodegeneration. In particular he is interested in the roles of astrocyte dysfunction as well as the interactions of multiple risk factors, such as oxidative stress, sex hormone deficiency and hypercholesterolemia in the pathogenesis and progress of Alzheimer’s disease.
Dr. Xianquan Zhan
Professor and Deputy Director
State Key Laboratory of Medical Genetics
Central South University
Tel: 86-731-84327905
Dr. Xianquan Zhan is a Professor and Deputy Director in State Key Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Central South University, China. Dr. Zhan received his undergraduate and graduate training in the fields of preventive medicine and epidemiology and statistics at the West
Dr. Xianquan Zhan is a Professor and Deputy Director in State Key Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Central South University, China. Dr. Zhan received his undergraduate and graduate training in the fields of preventive medicine and epidemiology and statistics at the West China University of Medical Sciences in China during 1989 to 1999. He received his post-doctoral training in oncology and cancer proteomics for two years at the Cancer Research Institute of Human Medical University in China. In 2001, he went to the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) in USA, where he was a post-doctoral researcher and focused on mass spectrometry and cancer proteomics. Then, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor of Neurology, UTHSC in 2005. He moved to the Cleveland Clinic in USA as a Project Scientist/Staff in 2006 where he focused on the studies of eye disease proteomics and biomarkers. He returned to UTHSC as an Assistant Professor of Neurology in the end of 2007, engaging in proteomics and biomarker studies of lung diseases and brain tumors, and initiating the studies of predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine (PPPM) in cancer. In 2010, he was promoted to Associate Professor of Neurology, UTHSC. Currently, he is a Professor at Xiangya Hospital of Central South University in China, the European EPMA National Representative in China, Associate Editors of BMC Genomics and of BMC Medical Genomics. He has published 79 peer-reviewed research articles including about 55 articles in the field of disease proteomics and transcriptomics, 7 book chapters, and 2 US patents. His current main research interest focuses on the studies of cancer proteomics and biomarkers, and the use of modern omics techniques and systems biology for PPPM in cancer.
Dr. Jie Ma
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Xian Jiaotong University Health Science Center
Tel: 00-86-13891900085
Dr. Jie Ma is a Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Xian Jiaotong University Health Science Center, China. He is a researcher of psychiatric disorders and genetic diseases, and has published more than 60 scientific articles. He then took a
Dr. Jie Ma is a Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Xian Jiaotong University Health Science Center, China. He is a researcher of psychiatric disorders and genetic diseases, and has published more than 60 scientific articles. He then took a Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology in 2007. From 2007 to now, as a principal investigator, based in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, he studied the molecular basis of schizophrenia and genetic diseases. In 2013, he was supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University from Ministry of Education, China, a prize established by the government to honor an individual dedicated to scientific research and education. Dr. Jie Ma research interests include identifying the susceptibility genes in schizophrenia, etiology of the disease, techniques of high throughput genotyping, multiple methods of genetic analyses and data statistics.
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