Advanced Techniques in Musculoskeletal Surgery

 ISSN: 2643-5764

Editorial Board

Prof. Farid Amirouche

Department of Orthopaedics
College of Medicine
University of Illinois
United States of America

Prof. Farid Amirouche is professor in Department of Orthopaedics, University of Illinois at Chicago. He is also professor of Mechanical and Bioengineering. He is the Director of the Biomechanics Research Laboratory. His current research spans a large area of orthopedics, human

Prof. Farid Amirouche is professor in Department of Orthopaedics, University of Illinois at Chicago. He is also professor of Mechanical and Bioengineering. He is the Director of the Biomechanics Research Laboratory. His current research spans a large area of orthopedics, human joint and prostheses, biomechanics and medical devices. Prof. Amirouche was awarded the Palmes Academiques de France in 2006. The prestigious “Palmes Academiques” title is awarded by the govt. of France for the meritorious work done in the academic field. His past research was supported by NIH, NIOSH, NSF, NASA, US Air Force and several industrial companies including Baxter, Johnson and Johnson Depuy Orthopedics and Zimmer. Prof. Amirouche has developed a broad experience in orthopedic biomechanics and related areas where he works on innovative new solutions and the realization, from concept phase to market readiness. Prof. Amirouche specializes in the major aspects of intelligent prosthesis and patient specific implants as well as specific product development: orthopedic advanced technologies. Prof. Amirouche particular research interests are in the areas of knees/hips and spine biomechanics and biological tissues and the bone/implant interface, implant durability and wear, kinematics and kinetics of human joints, experimental and finite element analysis used to characterize the mechanical behavior of biological tissues and reconstructive devices for orthopedic, spinal surgery and clinical interventions.
Prof. Alex Alfieri

Department of Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery
Brandenburg Medical School
Tel: 490-3391-394-7600

Prof. Alex Alfieri is Professor in Department of Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery at Brandenburg Medical School and Director of the Spine Center North-Brandenburg. He worked as associate professor in Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. His research interest includes

Prof. Alex Alfieri is Professor in Department of Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery at Brandenburg Medical School and Director of the Spine Center North-Brandenburg. He worked as associate professor in Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. His research interest includes neurosurgery, spinal surgery, neurovascular surgery.
Dr. Marco Maiotti

Sport Medicine and Traumatology Unit
San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital
Tel: 393-469-606-120

Dr. Marco Maiotti is Chief of Sport Medicine and Traumatology Unit at San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital in Rome, Italy. Dr. Maiotti graduated in Medicine and Surgery from La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy. He is a specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology.

Dr. Marco Maiotti is Chief of Sport Medicine and Traumatology Unit at San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital in Rome, Italy. Dr. Maiotti graduated in Medicine and Surgery from La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy. He is a specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology. Dr. Marco Maiotti performs about 500 surgeries every year, mainly shoulders and knees. He developed a new arthroscopic procedure to treat anterior chronic shoulder instability. The technique A.S.A. has been published on “Arthroscopy Journal”. His research interests includes Arthroscopy, Sports Traumatology, Cartilage disorders.
Dr. Hiroshi Kawaguchi

Spine Center
Japan Community Health Care Organization
Tel: 81-3269-8111

Dr. Hiroshi Kawaguchi is a Chief at Spine Center, Japan Community Health Care Organization, Tokyo, Japan. He was graduated from the University of Tokyo and began his career as an orthopedic surgeon in 1985. Dr. Kawaguchi began as a researcher in

Dr. Hiroshi Kawaguchi is a Chief at Spine Center, Japan Community Health Care Organization, Tokyo, Japan. He was graduated from the University of Tokyo and began his career as an orthopedic surgeon in 1985. Dr. Kawaguchi began as a researcher in the laboratory of Dr. Lawrence Raisz at the University of Connecticut in 1991. There he decided his life's work would be on 'disease science', i.e. preclinical translational research leading directly to the treatment of skeletal disorders: osteoporosis, bone fracture, periprosthetic osteolysis, ossification of spinal ligaments, and osteoarthritis. Dr. Kawaguchi have been an ORS member since 1995, and received the 2009 Kappa Delta Award. He was also awarded the 2006 Frank Stinch field Award of the Hip Society, the 2006 Basic Science Award of OARSI, and the 2011 Lawrence Raisz Award of ASBMR. Dr. Kawaguchi have also devoted himself to the education of young researchers. In fact, members of his group have been awarded the ASBMR Young Investigator Award each of the l6 years since l998, and three of them the President's Book Award during that period (24 awardees in total).
Dr. Dror Robinson

Department of Orthopedics
Hasharon Hospital
Rabin Medical Center

Dr. Dror Robinson is Head of Orthopedic Research Unit and Foot and Ankle Service, Hasharon Hospital, Rabin Medical Center, Israel. He received his Ph.D from Tel Aviv University (1991). He worked as a Consultant Surgeon at Assaf Harofe Medical Center. Dr.

Dr. Dror Robinson is Head of Orthopedic Research Unit and Foot and Ankle Service, Hasharon Hospital, Rabin Medical Center, Israel. He received his Ph.D from Tel Aviv University (1991). He worked as a Consultant Surgeon at Assaf Harofe Medical Center. Dr. Robinson also worked as a Senior Lecturer in Departments of Orthopedics and (associate) Departments of Clinical Biochemistry, Tel Aviv University. His research interest keywords are: Orthopaedics, Musculoskeletal Traumatology, Connective Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Hand surgery, Foot & Ankle.
Prof. Massimiliano Leigheb

Orthopaedics and Traumatology Unit
Department of Health Sciences
Eastern Piedmont University

Prof. Massimiliano Leigheb is a Professor in Department of Health Sciences at Eastern Piedmont University, Italy. He received his Ph.D in degenerative patologies and immunopatology at Insubriae University in Varese, Italy (2007). He also worked as a Contract Professor of Human

Prof. Massimiliano Leigheb is a Professor in Department of Health Sciences at Eastern Piedmont University, Italy. He received his Ph.D in degenerative patologies and immunopatology at Insubriae University in Varese, Italy (2007). He also worked as a Contract Professor of Human Anatomy I in School of Medicine of Novara at Eastern Piedmont University. His research interest includes Orthopaedics, Musculoskeletal Traumatology, Connective Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Hand surgery, Foot & Ankle.
Prof. Renata Calciolari Rossi Silva

Department of Medicine and Physiotherapy
University of West Paulista
Tel: 18-32291000

Prof. Renata Calciolari Rossi E Silva is a Professor of Medicine and Physiotherapy in the University of West Paulista, Brazil. She received her degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Uberaba, Specialist in Collective Health, Master and Ph.D in General Pathology

Prof. Renata Calciolari Rossi E Silva is a Professor of Medicine and Physiotherapy in the University of West Paulista, Brazil. She received her degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Uberaba, Specialist in Collective Health, Master and Ph.D in General Pathology from the Federal University of the Triangulo Mineiro and Post-doctorate in Pathology from the University of Sao Paulo. She is currently teaching undergraduate courses in Medicine and Physiotherapy in the disciplines of "General Pathology, Organ and System Pathology and Methodology of Scientific Research" at Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE). In this same University, she works as a lecturer in the post-graduation course lato sensu em Geriatria. In the stricto sensu postgraduate course in Environment and regional development, she acts as a coordinator and vice-coordinator of the program.
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