Advanced Techniques in Musculoskeletal Surgery

 ISSN: 2643-5764

Home / Advanced Techniques in Musculoskeletal Surgery / Editorial Board / Prof. Renata Calciolari Rossi Silva

Editorial board member | Prof. Renata Calciolari Rossi Silva

Prof. Renata Calciolari Rossi Silva

Department of Medicine and Physiotherapy
University of West Paulista
Tel: 18-32291000

Prof. Renata Calciolari Rossi E Silva is a Professor of Medicine and Physiotherapy in the University of West Paulista, Brazil. She received her degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Uberaba, Specialist in Collective Health, Master and Ph.D in General Pathology from the Federal University of the Triangulo Mineiro and Post-doctorate in Pathology from the University of Sao Paulo. She is currently teaching undergraduate courses in Medicine and Physiotherapy in the disciplines of "General Pathology, Organ and System Pathology and Methodology of Scientific Research" at Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE). In this same University, she works as a lecturer in the post-graduation course lato sensu em Geriatria. In the stricto sensu postgraduate course in Environment and regional development, she acts as a coordinator and vice-coordinator of the program.

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