Recent Advances in Photonics and Optics

 ISSN: 2689-8667

Editorial Board

Prof. Renat Letfullin

Department of Physics and Optical Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
United States of America
Tel: 812-877-8570

Prof. Renat Letfullin is a professor of Department of Physics and Optical Engineering and Director of the Nanomedicine program at Radiological Technologies University, USA. He received his Ph.D. from Saratov State University (1992). He completed his MS from Samara State University

Prof. Renat Letfullin is a professor of Department of Physics and Optical Engineering and Director of the Nanomedicine program at Radiological Technologies University, USA. He received his Ph.D. from Saratov State University (1992). He completed his MS from Samara State University (1984). He has made outstanding contributions to the fields of wave and quantum optics, lasers, aerosol physics and nanoscience, including nano optics and nano biotechnology. He is an outstanding theoretician and experimentalist in the fields of optics and kinetics of chemical pulsed lasers, and during the past decade has branched out into biophotonics and nanomedicine.
Prof. Elson Longo

EMÉRITO and Head of the Department of Chemistry of UFSCar
Universidade Estadual Paulista
Tel : 16-3351-9588

Prof. Elson Longo is Professor EMÉRITO and Head of the Department of Chemistry of UFSCar. He holds a doctorate in Physics and Chemistry from the Institute of Physics of USP-São Carlos. He is currently Coordinator of the National Institute of Materials

Prof. Elson Longo is Professor EMÉRITO and Head of the Department of Chemistry of UFSCar. He holds a doctorate in Physics and Chemistry from the Institute of Physics of USP-São Carlos. He is currently Coordinator of the National Institute of Materials Science and Technology in Nanotechnology (CNPq / FAPESP), Director of the Center for the Development of Functional Materials (FAPESP). Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), Member of the International Academy of Ceramics (World Academy of Chemistry) and Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo (ACIESP). His research interests are Physics of Light and Optics Laser, Nanophotonics, Photonic Crystals, Wireless Energy Transfer.
Prof. Konstantin Korotkov

Department of Computer Science and Biophysics
St. Petersburg National Research University

Prof. Konstantin Korotkov is a professor of Department of Computer Science and Biophysics at St. Petersburg National Research University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics and a senior researcher at St. Petersburg Research institute of Physical Culture and Sport. Prof. Konstantin

Prof. Konstantin Korotkov is a professor of Department of Computer Science and Biophysics at St. Petersburg National Research University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics and a senior researcher at St. Petersburg Research institute of Physical Culture and Sport. Prof. Konstantin research interests include Image processing, photonics in biology and medicine, light therapy. Prof. Konstantin was elected as President of the IUMAB by the world’s most prominent researchers at the V Congress of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography (IUMAB) in Curitiba, Brasil. Prof. Konstantin is the author of 9 books, translated to many European languages, including "The Energy of Consciousness", "The Energy of Space", "Electro photni Analysis in Medicine", "Light after Life".
Prof. Vanderlei S Bagnato

Department of Physics and Materials Science
University of Sao Paulo
Tel: 163-371-2012

Prof. Vanderlei S Bagnato is a professor of Department of Physics and Materials Science at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He received his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1987. Prof. Vanderlei Research interests include: Application of optics for health

Prof. Vanderlei S Bagnato is a professor of Department of Physics and Materials Science at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He received his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1987. Prof. Vanderlei Research interests include: Application of optics for health science, Atomic clocks, Superfluids and quantum turbulence, Cold atoms spectroscopy, Cancer and microbiological control with Photo dynamic action. Prof. Vanderlei is a Member of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Vatican, Member of the National Academy of Sciences. He has published 31 books and has 584 publications in periodicals with selective editorial policy.
Prof. Eugene Gussakovsky

Adjunct Professor
National Research Council Institute for Biodiagnostics
University of Winnipeg

Prof. Eugene Gussakovsky is adjunct Professor at National Research Council Institute for Biodiagnostics, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He holds a Doctor of Science and a Ph.D. from the Uzbek Academy of Science in Russia. He has been a leader in

Prof. Eugene Gussakovsky is adjunct Professor at National Research Council Institute for Biodiagnostics, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He holds a Doctor of Science and a Ph.D. from the Uzbek Academy of Science in Russia. He has been a leader in biochemistry projects around the world for more than four decades. He is certified as a senior scientist at the Volcani Center in Israel and a senior scientist by the highest certifying committee in the USSR .He is a member of the American Biophysics Society, the International Society of Photosynthesis, the New York Academy of Science, the American National Geographic Society, the American Society of Photobiology and the European Society of Photobiology. His research interests are Protein structure and folding, UV-VIS spectroscopy, Photosynthesis, Environmental photobiology, biomedical spectroscopy and Imaging.
Dr. Liudas Mazeika

Ultrasound Institute
Kaunas University of Technology
Tel: +370-373-511-62

Dr. Liudas Mazeika is a director of Ultrasound Institute at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. He received his Doctor of science in technology from Kaunas Politechnical Institute in 1986. Dr. Liudas research interests include development of new advanced ultrasonic measurement, imaging

Dr. Liudas Mazeika is a director of Ultrasound Institute at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. He received his Doctor of science in technology from Kaunas Politechnical Institute in 1986. Dr. Liudas research interests include development of new advanced ultrasonic measurement, imaging and non-destructive techniques for extreme conditions (high temperatures, strong radioactive radiation, high pressure, aerospace and chemical activity) and non conventional applications of NDT, monitoring and quality control. These techniques are oriented to solve the complicated questions related to the construction safety and human health.
Prof. Mohamed Bouazaoui

Laboratory of Physics of Lasers, Atoms and Molecules
University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille
Tel: +330-362-531-536

Prof. Mohamed Bouazaoui is a Distinguished Professor of Laboratory of Physics of Lasers, Atoms and Molecules at University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, France. He received his PhD from Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 in 1990. Prof. Bouazaoui research interests

Prof. Mohamed Bouazaoui is a Distinguished Professor of Laboratory of Physics of Lasers, Atoms and Molecules at University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, France. He received his PhD from Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 in 1990. Prof. Bouazaoui research interests include: New photonic materials and devices, Textural and structural study of Sol-Gel nano-porous materials, Photo-assisted growth of metallic and semiconductors nano structures in glasses and Development of innovative biosensors. Prof. Bouazaoui is the author of 120 publications in international peer-reviewed journals.
Prof. Iwan Kityk

Electrical Engineering Department
Czestochowa Technical University
Tel: +486-015-042-68

Prof. Iwan Kityk is a professor of materials science in optoelectronics. His fields of expertise are: experimental methods for detection of nonlinear optical properties of new optoelectronic materials. Prof. Kityk teaches optoelectronic devices and informatic. He has published about 528 articles

Prof. Iwan Kityk is a professor of materials science in optoelectronics. His fields of expertise are: experimental methods for detection of nonlinear optical properties of new optoelectronic materials. Prof. Kityk teaches optoelectronic devices and informatic. He has published about 528 articles in the International journals. He was invited professors in 6 universities in France, Germany, Spain, Japan. He was a supervisor of 6 PhD thesis. The main directions of the researches of the Optoelectronic Chair headed by him are as follows: design and studies of optical triggers, optoelectronic modulators and deflectors, optically operated nanocomposites.
Prof. Enrico Calloni

Department of Physics
University of Naples Federico II
Tel: 081-676-141

Prof. Enrico Calloni is a professor of Department of Physics at University of Naples Federico II. He received his PhD in Physics at Naples University Federico II in 1993. Prof. Enrico research interests includes High Sensitivity Interferometry, Low-frequency opto-mechanical devices, Laser

Prof. Enrico Calloni is a professor of Department of Physics at University of Naples Federico II. He received his PhD in Physics at Naples University Federico II in 1993. Prof. Enrico research interests includes High Sensitivity Interferometry, Low-frequency opto-mechanical devices, Laser frequency, amplitude and spatial stabilization, Opto-mechanics and cryogenics, Vacuum fluctuations and gravity, Gravitational waves interferometry, Gravitational waves. He is a author of more than 250 scientific papers. He is a member of Virgo Experiment. He has 50 Publications. His teaching courses: Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Engineering Department) and Experimental Gravitation (Physics Department).
Prof. Mohd Adzir Mahdi

Department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Tel: +603-894-664-38

Prof. Mohd Adzir Mahdi is a Professor of Department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering at Universiti Putra Malaysia. He received his Ph.D. in Optical Fiber Communications from the Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2000). Prof. Adzir research interests include optical

Prof. Mohd Adzir Mahdi is a Professor of Department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering at Universiti Putra Malaysia. He received his Ph.D. in Optical Fiber Communications from the Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2000). Prof. Adzir research interests include optical fiber amplifiers and lasers, optical fiber communications, optical sensors and nonlinear optics. Since 1996, he has been involved in photonics research specializing in optical amplifiers and lasers. Prof. Adzir was an optical design engineer at IOA Corporation, Sunnyvale, USA and a research officer at Research and Development Division, Telekom Malaysia Berhad. He has authored and coauthored over 300 scientific papers in journals and 200 articles in conference proceedings.
Prof. Bekir Sami Yilbas

Distinguished Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Saudi Arabia
Tel: 966-386-044-81

Prof. Bekir Sami Yilbas is a distinguished professor at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. He obtained his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Birmingham University in UK in 1982. Prof. Yilbas worked at Birmingham, Glasgow, and Turkey before joining

Prof. Bekir Sami Yilbas is a distinguished professor at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. He obtained his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Birmingham University in UK in 1982. Prof. Yilbas worked at Birmingham, Glasgow, and Turkey before joining to KFUPM. His research area covers laser machining applications. He published over 700 papers in international journals and presented over 100 papers in conferences. He received many awards over the years due to his scientific achievements. Some of these include President of India's Prize for 1988, the best researcher awards from KFUPM (1997, 2002, 2007), Silver Jubilee Medal for the outstanding achievements in Materials and Manufacturing 2005 by Silesian University of Technology, Poland, Doctor of Engineering Degree from Birmingham University (2005), Donald Julius Groen Prize for 2007 from by Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Manufacturing Industries Division, UK, Professor W. Johson International Gold Medal for 2008 by awarded by the Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies Steering Committee.
Dr. Alexandre Douplik

Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Ryerson University

Dr. Alexandre Douplik is an Associate Professor of Department of Physics at Ryerson University, and also Residential Scientist of Keenan Research Centre at St. Michael Hospital, Toronto Canada. He received his PhD from Prokhorov General Physics, Russian Academy of Science in

Dr. Alexandre Douplik is an Associate Professor of Department of Physics at Ryerson University, and also Residential Scientist of Keenan Research Centre at St. Michael Hospital, Toronto Canada. He received his PhD from Prokhorov General Physics, Russian Academy of Science in 1997. Dr. Alexandre main research interests are focused in the field of Biomedical Optics and Biomedical applications of light and lasers. Dr. Alexandre is the Head of Bioclinical Optics and Photonics (BCOP) Group of Physics Department at Ryerson University. Dr. Alexandre is the author of 55 peer-reviewed papers and 8 patents. In 2007-2011 he was a Guest Professor of Nuremberg-Erlangen University, Germany where he defended his Habilitation.
Dr. Dong Kee Yi

Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Myongji University
South Korea
Tel: 823-133-061-78

Dr. Dong Kee Yi is a Associate Professor of Department of Chemistry at Myongji University. He received his PhD in materials science and engineering in 2003 from GIST (Korea). And he went through his post-doc. fellow seasons in Brown University and

Dr. Dong Kee Yi is a Associate Professor of Department of Chemistry at Myongji University. He received his PhD in materials science and engineering in 2003 from GIST (Korea). And he went through his post-doc. fellow seasons in Brown University and IBN at Singapore from 2003 to 2005. And he worked as a senior scientist in Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology from 2005 to 2007. From 2007 to 2013 he has worked as a faculty at department of bionanotechnology, Gachon University (Korea). He has edited one book, "Nanobiomaterials: Development and Applications (CRC press, Taylor and Francis, 2013).He has authored and co-authored more than 80 peer-reviewed international journal articles and worked as an inventor for 32 international patents. He serves an editorial board for ISRN nanotechnology, and reviewers for journals from leading scientific societies including American chemical society, Royal society of chemistry, and American institute of physics. He works as research/technology evaluation and advisory panels for China, Korea and Romania government. He also worked as a consultant to industrial organizations in Korea.
Dr. Alessandro Chiasera

National Research Council
Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies
Unit of Trento

Dr. Alessandro Chiasera is a Researcher, 3rd Level at the National Research Council of Italy, Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies IFN, Unit of Trento, Italy. He received his Ph.D. degree in physics from the Trento University, Italy (2003). Dr. Alessandro Chiasera

Dr. Alessandro Chiasera is a Researcher, 3rd Level at the National Research Council of Italy, Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies IFN, Unit of Trento, Italy. He received his Ph.D. degree in physics from the Trento University, Italy (2003). Dr. Alessandro Chiasera research interests includes: Manufacture and characterization of planar waveguides SiO2-TiO2, SiO2-HfO2 and SiO2-GeO2 activated erbium-ytterbium by rf- technique; to waveguides characterization planar GeO2-TiO2 activated erbium produced via Sol-Gel; Study of the spectroscopic properties of bulk glasses silica-alumina activated erbium-ytterbium; characterization of silicate glasses activated erbium exchanged silver. He has 257 scientific articles in international journals and 244 communications at national and international congresses.
Dr. Anna Sylwia Fryskowska

Associate Professor
Department of Remote Sensing and Image Intelligence
Military University of Technology
Tel: 261-839-692

Dr. Anna Fryskowska is an Associate Professor in the Department of Remote Sensing and Image Intelligence at Military University of Technology. Dr. Fryskowska received her Ph.D. in geodesy and cartography from the Military University of Technology, Poland (2013). Dr. Fryskowska work

Dr. Anna Fryskowska is an Associate Professor in the Department of Remote Sensing and Image Intelligence at Military University of Technology. Dr. Fryskowska received her Ph.D. in geodesy and cartography from the Military University of Technology, Poland (2013). Dr. Fryskowska work is centered around developing and integrating innovative methods and approaches to acquiring and processing photo grammetricgeo data. Broadly, Dr. Fryskowska's methodological research focuses on application of modern photo grammetic systems in mapping, environmental and cultural heritage fields. Dr. Fryskowska works on photogrammetric products accuracy, comparative effectiveness research, and image data processing. She co-leads the science labs, study programmers where she coordinates educational process. Dr. Fryskowska coauthored two books: Photo grammetric products from UAVS published by the Military University of Technology Publishing Office in 2014 and Satellite Imagery.
Dr. Antonio Terrasi

Associate professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Catania
Tel: +095-378-5431

Dr. Antonio Terrasi is an Associate professor of Department of Physics and Astronomy at University of Catania, Italy and he is also associated researcher at the Institute for Microelectronics and Micro systems of the National Research Council and past deputy director

Dr. Antonio Terrasi is an Associate professor of Department of Physics and Astronomy at University of Catania, Italy and he is also associated researcher at the Institute for Microelectronics and Micro systems of the National Research Council and past deputy director of one of the units of the same Institute. Dr. Antonio has about 30 years of experience in material science and nanotechnology applied to micro and opto-electronics. Silicon and Germaniun nanostructures for light detection and innovative photo voltaic devices, as well as new types of TCM (Transparent Conductive Materials) are among the most recent fields of interest. Dr. Antonio expertises go from electron spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation to ion beams processing and analysis, molecular beam epitaxy, thermal treatments, electrical and optical characterization of materials.
Dr. Valery Filippov

Principal scientific researcher
Department of Microelectronics
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Tel: +375-293-440-310

Dr. Valery Filippov is a Principal scientific researcher of Department of Microelectronics at Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. He received his PhD from Belarussian State University in 1973. Dr. Valery research interests include ellipsometry and spectrometry of thin-film and

Dr. Valery Filippov is a Principal scientific researcher of Department of Microelectronics at Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. He received his PhD from Belarussian State University in 1973. Dr. Valery research interests include ellipsometry and spectrometry of thin-film and multilayered systems; optics and spectroscopy of photovoltaic solar cells; developing of a new optical methods for thin-film characterization; thermophysical and optical studying of a new laser crystals; optics of crystals.
Dr. Andrey Miroshnichenko

Associate Professor
Nonlinear Physics Centre
The Australian National University
Tel: +612-612-539-64

Dr. Andrey Miroshnichenko is an Associate Professor of Nonlinear Physics Centre at The Australian National University. He obtained his PhD in 2003 from the Max-Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Germany. Dr. Andrey research interests include Nanophotonics, optical

Dr. Andrey Miroshnichenko is an Associate Professor of Nonlinear Physics Centre at The Australian National University. He obtained his PhD in 2003 from the Max-Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Germany. Dr. Andrey research interests include Nanophotonics, optical nanoantennas, Fano resonances, all-dielectric resonant nanoparticles, nonlinear optics, topological nanophotonics, microcavities and thermal radiation. In 2007 Dr. Andrey was awarded by APD Fellowship from the Australian Research Council. It allowed him to initiate the research on a new class of tunable photonic structures infiltrated with liquid crystals.
Prof. Radovan Stojanovic

Department of Electronics and ICT
University of Montenegro

Prof. Radovan Stojanovic is a Professor of Department of Electronics and ICT at University of Montenegro. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology from University of Patras, Greece in 1990, 1994 and 2001 respectively. Prof. Radovan fields of

Prof. Radovan Stojanovic is a Professor of Department of Electronics and ICT at University of Montenegro. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology from University of Patras, Greece in 1990, 1994 and 2001 respectively. Prof. Radovan fields of interest are general electronics, medical electronics, industrial electronics, instrumentations and measurements, systems on chip and pcb, microprocessors and microsystems, applied signal processing, programming language, general ICT. Prof. Radovan is an author/coauthor of more than 180 publications in international journals.
Dr. David C Eder

Leading Scientist
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
United States of America
Tel: (925)-423-3483

Dr. David Eder is a leading scientist with a highly distinguished career in computational modeling and managing complex teams and campaigns. He established and led the computational program to protect the optics and diagnostics on the recently completed 4 billion dollar

Dr. David Eder is a leading scientist with a highly distinguished career in computational modeling and managing complex teams and campaigns. He established and led the computational program to protect the optics and diagnostics on the recently completed 4 billion dollar National Ignition Facility (NIF). He is a recognized leader in high performance computing applications giving tutorials at international venues such as the IEEE SC series. His research interests are photo generation in general, short-pulse lasers, radiation transport, UV optics, and x-ray lasers.
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