Recent Advances in Photonics and Optics

 ISSN: 2689-8667

Home / Recent Advances in Photonics and Optics / Editorial Board / Prof. Enrico Calloni

Editorial board member | Prof. Enrico Calloni

Prof. Enrico Calloni

Department of Physics
University of Naples Federico II
Tel: 081-676-141

Prof. Enrico Calloni is a professor of Department of Physics at University of Naples Federico II. He received his PhD in Physics at Naples University Federico II in 1993. Prof. Enrico research interests includes High Sensitivity Interferometry, Low-frequency opto-mechanical devices, Laser frequency, amplitude and spatial stabilization, Opto-mechanics and cryogenics, Vacuum fluctuations and gravity, Gravitational waves interferometry, Gravitational waves. He is a author of more than 250 scientific papers. He is a member of Virgo Experiment. He has 50 Publications. His teaching courses: Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Engineering Department) and Experimental Gravitation (Physics Department).

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