Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics

ICV Value = 91.63

 ISSN: 2578-6350


  Dr. Ephraim Suhir
  Portland State University, USA

Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics

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Table of Content: Volume 6, Issue 2

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Review Article Pages 597-614

Design of Hypervelocity Flow Generator (HFG) and Its Diagnostics

Authors: Kyo D Song and Sang H Choi

Abstract: Ground facility for hypersonic research is a key element for successful development of aerodynamically proven hypervelocity vehicles. Design concept and diagnostics of hypervelocity flow generator (HFG) were made as a test platform for hypersonic/hypervelocity spacecraft models at NASA Langley Research Center. The HFG is a hypersonic flow field generator using optically heated gas which was blown into an 80-m3 large vacuum chamber. The vacuum chamber is kept at a stable vacuum pressure with a combination of three large vacuum pumps, while the HFG is in the test mode. The HFG provides relatively a small test section with approximately a 20 cm window.


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