Current Trends in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

 ISSN: 2642-4266

Current Trends in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

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Table of Content: Volume 2, Issue 1

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Research Article Pages 85-94

Detection of Agglomerates Using Hydrodynamic Chromatography Hyphenated with Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

Authors: Zahira E Herrera Rivera, Marina Boersma, Anna K Undas, Hans JP Marvin and Ruud JB Peters

Abstract: A method was developed for the detection of nanoparticles and their state of agglomeration by combining hydrodynamic chromatography (HDC) with single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spICP-MS). Gold nanoparticles were measured under different conditions including the simulation of one of the most important human body functions, the human digestion.

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Research Article Pages 74-84

Development and Validation of a Method for the Detection of Titanium Dioxide Particles in Human Tissue with Single Particle ICP-MS

Authors: Ruud JB Peters, Anna K Undas, Joost Memelink, Greet van Bemmel, Sandra Munniks, Hans Bouwmeester, Peter Nobels, Wobbe Schuurmans and Martijn K van der Lee

Abstract: Human biomonitoring studies to determine total titanium (total-Ti) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles require very sensitive inductively coupled plasma high resolution mass spectrometry (ICP-HRMS) methods. The result of such studies can only be reliably when used in a risk assessment if the analytical methods are fully validated, as reported here for human liver and spleen.

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Review Article Pages 64-73

Organic Pollution in Surface and Core Sediments from the Yangtze River Estuarine Region - Historic Research Study and A Review of Recent Investigations

Authors: Peter J Baugh, Simon M Hutchinson, Liu Min, Lizhong Lu, Weigou Zhang, Su Xu, Claire McGill, Helen Ball, Brian Ward, Daniel Marshall and Radja Bougherira

Abstract: The surface and core sediments obtained from the Yangtze River-south coast estuarine region, and analysed by GC/MS after sample preparation, exhibit a range of organic pollutants over depths from the surface to 0.5 m. The target organic compounds identified are in following categories, homologous series of hydrocarbons, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and linear alkylbenzenes (LABs).

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Review Article Pages 57-63

DNA Adaptor Technology as PCR Application

Authors: Ichiro Kasajima

Abstract: PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a popular analytical method in genetics of organisms. By using gene-specific primers, a small single region in the huge genomic DNA is selectively amplified by PCR. Thus, PCR is quite frequently used for determination of gene alleles and to identify nucleotide sequences of genes. For these variety of analytical purposes, PCR method is often combined with the other DNA-related methods such as sequence-dependent DNA digestion with restriction enzymes, bisulfite reaction of genomic DNA for estimation of cytosine methylation, and usage of adaptor DNA for advanced analyses.

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