Translational Neuroscience Research and Reviews

 ISSN: 2689-8993

Home / Translational Neuroscience Research and Reviews / Editorial Board / Dr. Hassaan Tohid

Editorial board member | Dr. Hassaan Tohid

Dr. Hassaan Tohid

Department of Behavioral Neurosciences & Psychology
California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences & Psychology
United States of America

Dr. Hassaan Tohid (CASN) is Professor in California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences & Psychology. Dr. Tohid is a neuroscientist, public speaker, medical professional, researcher, book editor and a published author. He served as a member of American Neuropsychiatric Association and is currently also a Leadership Council member for American Cancer Society. After graduating from Sindh Medical College, Karachi (Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan) as a medical doctor. He then moved to the US and started his career as a researcher in neurology & psychiatry. He had been affiliated with prestigious institutions like Napa State Hospital, UCLA & the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) and still serves as a visiting neuroscientist at the Center of Mind & Brain (UC Davis). He is also involved in various research projects nationally and internationally in the countries like Australia and England.

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