Translational Neuroscience Research and Reviews

 ISSN: 2689-8993

Home / Translational Neuroscience Research and Reviews / Editorial Board / Dr. Brandon M Korman

Editorial board member | Dr. Brandon M Korman

Dr. Brandon M Korman

Chief of Neuroscience
Nicklaus Children's Hospital Brain Institute
Nova Southeastern University
United States of America

Dr. Brandon Board certified clinical neuropsychologist and the Chief of Neuropsychology at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami. Dr. Korman earned his doctoral degree from Nova Southeastern University with internship training at the University of Florida Health Sciences Center and a two-year pediatric neuropsychology fellowship at Miami Children’s Hospital. He has presented at numerous scientific conferences and actively publishes on various topics related to pediatric neuropsychology and neuroscience. Recent publications have highlighted cognitive networks and developmental issues in pediatric epilepsy. He maintains a very active clinical practice focused on epilepsy, brain tumors, neurogenetic disorders, and traumatic brain injury. Dr. Korman also supervises neuropsychology students at the doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral levels.

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