Advances in Animal Biotechnology

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Editorial board member | Prof. Salam A Ibrahim

Prof. Salam A Ibrahim

Department of Food Microbiology
North Carolina A&T State University
United States of America
Tel: 336-292-0664

Prof. Salam A Ibrahim is a Professor in the Department of Food Microbiology, Food and Nutritional Sciences at North Carolina A&T State University, USA. Prof. Ibrahim received his Ph.D. in 1991 from University of Kentucky and M.Sc in 1987 from University of Georgia. He was honored with The recipient of the 2004 Younger Chemists Committee leadership award by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and The recipient of the 2003-2004 university award of outstanding young investigator. Prof. Salam A Ibrahim's research interests focused in the area of dairy food processing, recent work in my laboratory has focused on: Viability and stability of probiotic cultures in traditional and non-traditional food products; and Impact of ingredients on quality of Greek yogurt. Dairy foods have served as the traditional vehicle of delivery for probiotic cultures; however, viability is still a major concern.

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