Recent Advances in Photonics and Optics

 ISSN: 2689-8667

Home / Recent Advances in Photonics and Optics / Editorial Board / Prof. Iwan Kityk

Editorial board member | Prof. Iwan Kityk

Prof. Iwan Kityk

Electrical Engineering Department
Czestochowa Technical University
Tel: +486-015-042-68

Prof. Iwan Kityk is a professor of materials science in optoelectronics. His fields of expertise are: experimental methods for detection of nonlinear optical properties of new optoelectronic materials. Prof. Kityk teaches optoelectronic devices and informatic. He has published about 528 articles in the International journals. He was invited professors in 6 universities in France, Germany, Spain, Japan. He was a supervisor of 6 PhD thesis. The main directions of the researches of the Optoelectronic Chair headed by him are as follows: design and studies of optical triggers, optoelectronic modulators and deflectors, optically operated nanocomposites.

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