Alzheimers Disease & Dementia

 ISSN: 2578-6490

Home / Alzheimers Disease & Dementia / Editorial Board / Dr. Wilhelmus, Micha M.M

Editorial board member | Dr. Wilhelmus, Micha M.M

Dr. Wilhelmus, Micha M.M

Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy and Neurosciences
VU University Medical Center
University in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tel: 0172-897820

Dr. Micha M.M. Wilhelmus is an Associate Professor at the Department of Anatomy and Neurosciences at VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He received his B.A. and Ph.D at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Dr. Micha M.M. Wilhelmus is interested in the mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in neurodegenerative diseases, e.g. Alzheimer's disease, and finding of drugable targets to counteract this neurodegeneration. He has a special interest in amyloid-beta and tau induced neurodegeneration and effects of accumulation of amyloid-beta in the cerebral vascular wall, known as cerebral amyloid angipathy, in Alzheimer's disease onset and progression. One important focus of his lab is the search for drugable targets, e.g. transglut aminases, that are involved in the turnover of amyloid-beta and tau into their toxic variants and elucidating their possibilities for clinical use in Alzheimer's disease.

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