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Editorial board member | Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

Associate professor
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
North Dakota State University
United States of America
Tel: 701-231-8351

Dr. Shafiqur Rahman is an associate professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABEN) at North Dakota State University (NDSU). Dr. Rahman has published 45 peer reviewed articles either as the lead author or as co-author. He is extensively involved with the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer (ASABE). Currently, he is serving as an Associate Editor in the Structures and Environment Division (currently PAFS-05) since 2010, and reviewing manuscripts in different high-quality journals including ASABE journals. He is also serving as the Manuscript Editor of Journal of Animal Science and Technology (JAST). Currently, he is serving as USDA Agricultural Air Quality Task Forced (AAQTF) member, which is the highest recognition of his expertise. He has served several times on the NSF, EPA, and USDA/NIFA grant review panels and other grant review process. Dr. Rahman has extensive experience training undergraduate and graduate students in laboratory and field settings. He has supervised several visiting scientists from China, Turkey and S. Korea and continuing collaboration with them.For the last 20 years, he has been conducting research on agricultural waste management, water quality, and air quality areas. His research interests includes measurement and reduction of nutrient runoff pollution from feedlot operations, environmental impact assessment of land application of manure, monitoring air quality and greenhouse gases from livestock production facilities; Particulate Matter (PM) quantification and characterization, manure and livestock carcass composting, and conversion of manure into a renewable energy source (biogas).

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