Magic Signature - The Profile of China's Current Doctor-Patient Relationship
Earlier this year, a piece of message from WeChat had been widely spread across China, pushing the intense doctor-patient relationship into the spotli... Read moreEditorial
It's Time to Build up Security Measures in Chinese Hospitals
Once again, violence against Chinese doctor event happened on October 3rd was a heavy blow to all the medical staffs. A 34-year-old pediatrician was h... Read moreEditorial
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and consumes a large proportion of health care budgets due to ... Read moreCase Report
A 66-year-old female patient without any relevant medical history other than rectal cancer was admitted for biopsy of a peri-myocardial tumor after th... Read moreResearch Article
Investigation of Biological Processes Aimed at Improving the Quality of Compost from Bio-Waste
Exclusively aerobic and integrated anaerobic with post-aerobic treatments of bio-waste generated in a given waste management area were compared with r... Read moreBRIEF COMMENTARY
It is highly unlikely that James Parkinson (1755-1824), who first described the 'paralysis agitans' in his 'Assay on the Shaking Palsy' in 1817 (years... Read moreRESEARCH ARTICLE
This is a retrospective study of cases and controls. 'Case' was defined as a patient with a companion, and 'control' as a patient without an accompany... Read moreReview Article
Diseases of blood vessels cause more morbidity and mortality than combined impact of any other major noncommunicable disease (NCD) including cancer. B... Read more