Translational Neuroscience Research and Reviews

 ISSN: 2689-8993

Home / Translational Neuroscience Research and Reviews / Editorial Board / Dr. Yun Chen

Editorial board member | Dr. Yun Chen

Dr. Yun Chen

Principal Scientist
BrightstarTech, Inc.
Clarksburg, Maryland
United States of America
Tel: 301-318-3442

Dr. Yun Chen currently serves as the Principal Scientist of BrightstarTech, Inc., Maryland, USA. He received an MD in 1983 and an MS (Master of Surgery) in 1991 from Third Military Medical University, China. He received his Ph.D. in Pharmacology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel in 1998. After completed his postdoctoral training in US National Institutes of Health, Dr. Chen worked for US Military Agencies such as USUHS, TAMC, USAMRICD, and MCS. Dr. Chen has proven expertise and experience in neuropsychiatry, neuropharmacology, neurodegenerative diseases, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, ischemic stroke, organophosphate-induced brain damage, blast injury, gunshot wound, and wound ballistics. He has published a lot of papers in peer-reviewed journals and been granted five patents in USA and China, respectively.

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