ICV Value = 84.89
ISSN: 2643-5799
Senior Scientist
Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability
Arizona State University
United States of America
Tel: 480-254-7171
Dr. David Arthur Sampson is a Research Scientist at Decision Center for a Desert City, Arizona State University, USA. Dr. David received his M.S. in Forestry: Systems Ecology from Northern Arizona University in 1988. He received his Ph. D. in Forestry: Systems Modeling from Colorado State University in 1992. He is a team member, and lead, of a group that will explore tri-city comparisons of water resource sustainability in the Colorado River Basin, a modeler, for new effort lead by the Smithsonian to bring water education and outreach to rural communities of the United States through a program called "Waterways", a traveling exhibition and community engagement initiative as part of their Museum on Main Street program. His research interests includes water resource management, juncture of climate chance and drought, and land use change as influencing water supplies and water demand (and the current and expected future water management policies) in a large, arid Urban Metropolitan Area.