ISSN: 2578-7160
Associate Professor
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Naples Federico II, Naples
Tel: +39-081-768-2463
Dr. Luca Esposito is an Associate Professor at the University of Naples "Federico II" and member of the Department of Industrial Engineering (DII). Dr. Luca Esposito recieved his ph.D. from the University of Cassino in Civil and Mechanical Engineering and a Post Doc degree in Machine Design with thesis in the field of the continuum damage mechanics applied to high temperature. Dr. Luca Esposito research interests involves formulation and modeling of mechanical materials response under extreme operative conditions. Biomechanics, failure analysis and development of constitutive framework for biological tissues and non-conventional materials, are other personal expertise. He makes extensive use of the finite element method as tool of investigation in all the areas of interest. Creep modeling and high temperature material characterization are the main scientific fields of interest. Luca Esposito is author of more than 50 articles on international journals and conference proceedings related to biomechanics, ductile damage and cohesive modeling, local approach to brittle fracture, composites, creep behavior of pure metals and alloys. Dr. Esposito teaches “Machine Design” for the degree course of mechanical engineering and he is also coordinator of the Laboratory of Mechanics of Materials and Structures (LMMS).