Northwestern Reproductive Genetics, Inc. and
Reprogenetic Research, L.L.C.
United States of America
Tel: 312-888-9910
Dr. Eugene Pergament is a President of Northwestern Reproductive Genetics, Inc. and Reprogenetic Research, L.L.C chicago, USA. He received hid Ph.D from Purdue University, USA in 1959. Dr.Eugene is a leading authority on reproductive genetics, prenatal diagnosis, chromosomal disorders, genetic counseling and bioethics. He had been instrumental in the development of chorionic villi sampling, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, clinical application of fluorescent in situ hybridization, genetic screening involving ultrasound measurements of nuchal translucency and biomarkers and noninvasive prenatal genetic testing. His research interests incldue Prenatal diagnosis, Prenatal screening ofgeneticdisorders, Bioethics, Chromosomal disorders and Genetic counseling. Dr. Eugene is a Board member of International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis.