Trends in Geriatric Healthcare

 ISSN: 2689-9019

Home / Trends in Geriatric Healthcare / Editorial Board / Dr. Hiroshi Kawaguchi

Editorial board member | Dr. Hiroshi Kawaguchi

Dr. Hiroshi Kawaguchi

Chief of Spine Center
Japan Community Health Care Organization
Tel: 03-3269-8111

Dr. Hiroshi Kawaguchi graduated from the University of Tokyo, and began his career as an orthopedic surgeon in 1985. He began as a researcher in the laboratory of Dr. Lawrence Raisz at the University of Connecticut in 1991. Dr. Kawaguchi decided his life’s work would be on “disease science”, i.e. preclinical translational research leading directly to the treatment of skeletal disorders: osteoporosis, bone fracture, periprosthetic osteolysis, ossification of spinal ligaments, and osteoarthritis. Since then, he have had a career as a “surgeon scientist” in both laboratory and clinical aspects of these disorders, publishing 286 peer-reviewed original articles (total impact factor: 1,448) in prestigious scientific journals such as Nat Med, Nat Mater, Nature, Science, JCI, Gene Dev, JCB, PNAS, Dev Cell, JBC, and JBMR. Dr. Kawaguchi research interest is on Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Bone fracture, Periprosthetic osteolysis, Ossification of spinal ligaments.

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