Plastic Surgeon, CEO
Chief of Plastic Surgery
Bella Milagros Institute
United States of America
Dr. Steven Domingues is a Plastic Surgeon, CEO, and Chief of Plastic Surgery, Bella Milagros Institute, USA. Dr. Steven began his career in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery in 1984 at the University of Iowa College of Medicine where he conducted research in University in mesenchymal (stem cells) cells and tissue regeneration, cancer cell identification via intermediate filaments immunoflourence staining, free flap viability, super glue wound closure, nutrition and metabolism following vertical gastric banding, and the Bardach palatoplasty. He published and presented to the Triological Society as a senior medical student on the Incidence of Cholesteatoma in Cleft Palate. Dr. Steven Domingues research interests are: autologous and allergenic mesenchymal cells, growth factors, aesthetic plastic surgery, burns, and wound care.