ISSN: 2578-6512
Associate Professor
Department of General Surgery
Kenezy Teaching Hospital
Tel: 00-36-30-93-888-67
Dr. Dezso Toth is an Associate Professor in the Department of General Surgery at the Kenezy Teaching Hospital in Debrecen, Hungary. He is a founder member of the County's Breast Center. He graduated from University of Debrecen, Medical School in 1997 and in Medical Economics in 2001. He is certified in General Surgery and Clinical Oncology and he received his Ph.D. from University of Debrecen, Medical and Health Science Center: "Examination of lymph node involvement in solid neoplasms – Sentinel lymph node biopsy" with summa cum laude in 2012. Dr. Toth's research areas include surgical oncology, especially in the field of gastric and breast cancer. He is author and co-author of over 20 peer-reviewed publications (original article, review, chapter and case reports) published in prestigious scientific journals, such as Gastric Cancer, The Breast, Molecular Cancer, Pathology and Oncology Research and World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology.