ISSN: 2642-4967
Home / Browse Journals & Books / Clinical Pediatrics and Research / Archive / Volume 3, Issue 1
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Research Article Pages 56-62
Abstract: Little is known about the success rate and complications of paediatric endotracheal intubation (ETI) in a prehospital setting by a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS). The Rotterdam HEMS provides care for patients of all ages, including paediatric patients. Currently, paediatric patients are involved in 22% of all calls, which makes it a unique service. These calls are for a wide variety for critical illnesses including sepsis, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, respiratory failure, and trauma. The purpose of airway management is to achieve adequate tissue oxygenation and ventilation, while limiting aspiration. One of the key goals of resuscitation and critical care is to establish and maintain a patent airway by endotracheal intubation
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Short Note Pages 55
Abstract: We have evolved into an automated high tech practice of medicine. With speed and automated precision we have sacrificed diagnostic information. The automated differential reports out groups of white blood cell types. With a manual differential, those groups are more specifically differentiated including immature neutrophils (bands) and atypical lymphocytes which are not routinely reported with an automated differential. When an automated differential is done, there may be certain triggers that would necessitate a manual differential be done.
Abstract: A thirteen-year-old boy presented with a grade IV blunt pancreatic traumatism with a cephaloisthmic disjunction. A giant pancreatic pseudocyst was developed and complicated with a massive intracystic bleeding. An evacuation and drainage of all collections was performed by laparotomy.
Original Research Pages 42-46
Abstract: Few study has reported about the prevalence, pathogen distribution and antibiotics usage of UTI after ureter anastomosis. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics and antibiotics selection of UTI after ureter anastomosis.
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