Archives of Pediatric Surgery

 ISSN: 2643-5721

Archives of Pediatric Surgery

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Table of Content: Volume 2, Issue 1

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CASE REPORT Pages 35-38

Mesenteric Hematoma in the Context of Recurrent Intussusception: Cause or Effect

Authors: Margaret M Steiner, Amy R Paul, Jeremy T Neuman, Alex K Williamson, Richard Sidlow and Dana M Kaplan

Abstract: Intussusception is a common pediatric abdominal emergency associated with pathologic lead points in up to twenty-five percent of cases. After reduction using an air enema, the recurrence of intussusception is uncommon, but suspicion of a lead point is increased if recurrence occurs.

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Research Article Pages 30-34

Primary Endobronchial Tumors in Childhood

Authors: Marta Gonzalez Fernandez-Palaciosa, Jose Ignacio Gutierrez Carrasco and Y Isabel Delgado Pecellin

Abstract: Although primary endobronchial tumors are uncommon, it is a diagnosis to consider with persistent bronchial obstruction, infection or recurrent lung collapse that does not improve despite standard treatment. Bronchoscopy and pathology studies will allow us to confirm the exact diagnosis. Treatment is usually surgical or adjuvant chemotherapy associating with the type of tumor diagnosed. The evolution is generally good after suitable treatment.

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Research Article Pages 26-29

Pediatric Abdominal and Thoracic Equestrian Injuries-Single Center Experience

Authors: Emmanuelle Seguier Lipszyc, Artur Baazov and Enrique Freud

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed an increase in the popularity of equestrian sports and therapeutic riding. The aim of the study was to report the prevalence and causes of different types of abdominal and thoracic equestrian injuries in children and to raise clinician awareness of the risks and necessary safety measures.

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