Journal of Oral Cancer and Research

 ISSN: 2689-8837


  Dr. Alireza Heidari
  California South University, USA

Journal of Oral Cancer and Research

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Table of Content: Volume 2, Issue 1

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Review Article Pages 23-27

Oral Cancer: Incidence and Management

Authors: Ivan Minic and Ana Pejcic

Abstract: Oral cancers are among the 10 most common tumors in Europe and the United States. The major recognized risk factors include smoking and alcohol what is possible explanation for higher incidence among men. The risk of developing a tumor of the oral cavity is 38 times higher in the population that consuming alcohol and cigarettes. Cancer of the oral cavity is a serious disease and only half of the patients survive the next five years. According to the World Health Organization classification, oral cancer includes malignant tumors in the lips area, anterior two thirds tongue, gingiva, bottom of the oral cavity, retromolar triangle.

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Original Article Pages 18-22

Cervical Lymph Node Metastatic Factors in the Preoperative Diagnosis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Authors: Yuudai Kondo, Yuri Tagawa, Tomohiro Tamura, Kenta Noumi, Kouji Yamamoto, Takeshi Kaneuji, Yuusaku Suehiro and Yoshihiro Yamashita

Abstract: The cervical lymph node (N) status is an important determinant of the prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The treatment strategy administered with regard to the N status of a patient greatly affects prognosis. However, it is difficult to completely diagnose the N status preoperatively and the development of secondary cervical lymph node metastasis. In this study, we aimed to analyze whether it was possible in the preoperative clinical diagnosis to determine the presence or absence of cervical metastatic extension.

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