Journal of Molecular Physics


  Dr. Eugene Stephane Mananga
  New York University, USA

Journal of Molecular Physics

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Table of Content: Volume 2, Issue 1

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Original Article Pages 19-31

Analysis and Modeling of Spectral Line Shapes of Collision-Induced Light Scattering of Gaseous Xenon

Authors: JL Godet and MSA El-Kader

Abstract: Collision-induced light scattering spectra of gaseous xenon at room temperature are analyzed in terms of different literature and new interatomic potentials and interaction-induced pair polarizability anisotropy and trace models. At low frequencies the spectral intensities and the associated moments are determined by both bound and free transitions. The spectra at intermediate and high frequencies are sensitive to both the attractive part of the potential and to short-range values of the anisotropy or trace polarizability.

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Review Article Pages 14-18

Some Aspects and Progress in the Description of the Scaling Born Positron Approach

Authors: JLS Lino

Abstract: We discuss recent developments in the implementation of the scaling Born positron (SBP) approach (Chin.J.Phys.54(2016)104) for electronic excitation of molecules by positron impact. We will demonstrate, using specific examples in H2, N2, CO, CO2, and H2O that this relatively simple method can generate quite integral cross sections (ICS) which compare well with sophisticates theoretical methods. Where possible and in the absence of the experimental data, comparisons are made with analogous electron scattering.

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