Journal of Head and Neck Surgery

ICV Value = 90.09

 ISSN: 2689-8713

Journal of Head and Neck Surgery

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Table of Content: Volume 3, Issue 2

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Case Report Pages 163-165

Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma to the Parotid Gland

Authors: Pascalino B Romeo, MD, Fraser Donaldson, MBBS, Ibrahim M Zardawi, FRCPA and Kristian Sørensen, MBChB (Hons) MRCS FRCS (Plast)

Abstract: Basal cell carcinoma is a very common skin cancer in Australia. It is a locally invasive neoplasm which can rarely have life threatening effects. There have been many reported cases of metastatic BCC though it is uncommon, rarer still is spread to the parotid. We present a case of a patient in Far North Queensland who had a BCC metastasize to his parotid from a close by primary.

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Case Report Pages 160-162

Bilateral Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL) Following Lumbar Puncture: A Case Report

Authors: Bezas V, Hammersen JJ and Issing PR

Abstract: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss affects frequently one ear (unilateral). A bilateral sudden SNHL is the rare form of SSNHL (5% of all cases) having mostly as aetiology diseases with a specific clinical pathology. Many case reports of a bilateral SSNHL in the literature include not only adult populations but also paediatric cases. A bilateral SSNHL following a lumbar puncture belongs to the rarest iatrogenic complications and it is an uncommon aetiology causing transient or permanent unilateral or bilateral hearing impairments

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