Journal of Head and Neck Surgery

ICV Value = 90.09

 ISSN: 2689-8713

Journal of Head and Neck Surgery

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Table of Content: Volume 3, Issue 1

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Case Report Pages 157-159

The Bulky Dermoid Cyst of the Floor of the Mouth

Authors: Chengyu Qiu, Hao Guo, Hao Yu, Lei Gao, Ben Ma, Wenhao Ma, Lei Han, Hong Guan, Zhihui Sun, Hong Chen

Abstract: Bulky dermoid cysts of the floor of the mouth are very rare and may induce functional disorder. We present a 68-year-old Chinese woman who presented a painless swelling in right mandibular. Physical examination revealed a painless, soft, poor mobility, dough like mass swelling which was reached to the floor of the mouth, and MRI showed a circumscribed mass of about 20.0 cm

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Review Article Pages 151-156

Short Review on: Teaching Approach for Head Injury with Epidural Hematoma

Authors: Adel Hamed Elbaih and Yasser Yousef Bashmail

Abstract: Epidural hematoma (EDH) is a traumatic accumulation of blood between the inner table of the skull and the stripped-off Dural membrane. EDH results from traumatic head injury, usually with an associated skull fracture and arterial laceration. The incidence of EDH is highest among adolescents and young adults and reported mortality rates range from 5-43%. Therefore, we aim to look into the EDH for both medical students and new physicians face in the recognition, diagnosis and management of these conditions.

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Research Article Pages 143-150

The Membranous Labyrinth in vivo from High-Resolution Temporal Bone CT Data

Authors: Hisaya Tanioka, MD, PhD and Sayaka Tanioka, BA, ME

Abstract: A prerequisite for the modeling and understanding of the inner ear mechanics needs the accurate created membranous labyrinth. We will present a semi-automated methodology for accurate reconstruction of the membranous labyrinth in the cochlea from high-resolution temporal bone CT data.

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Review Article Pages 141-142

Telemedicine and Physical Examination: A Cautionary Tale and a Prescription for the Future

Authors: Ryan R McCool, MD, FACS

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the trend toward the remote workplace in many industries, and medicine is no exception. Telemedicine technology, which historically has been used mostly to serve geographically remote populations, such as areas of Alaska that can only be accessed by boat or plane. has been rapidly adopted to reach socially distant populations and decrease the risk of viral transmission. Longstanding regulatory and reimbursement blockades to telemedicine have fallen, advancing and improving access. However, as patients and providers embrace this new format, we must be mindful of the technology’s blind spots to avoid unintentional harm. I know, because it happened to me early in my telemedicine career.

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Review Article Pages 137-140

Simultaneous Bilateral Cochlear Implantation in Posttraumatic Temporal Bone Fracture under Local Anaesthesia - Case Report and Literature Review

Authors: Lucas Resende Lucinda Mangia, MD, Fellipy Martins Raymundo, MD, Nicole Tássia Amadeu, MD and Rogério Hamerschmidt, PhD

Abstract: Bilateral deafness caused by temporal bone fracture is an uncommon condition. Precocious simultaneous bilateral cochlear implantation (SiCI) is a valuable option for experienced surgical teams, which can prevent unfavorable results due to cochlear remodeling. In this paper we describe the first successful case of SiCI with local anaesthesia performed on an adult patient who suffered severe head trauma.

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Review Article Pages 133-136

Stem Cells Enhance Tissue Engineering in Head and Neck Surgery

Authors: Rwik Sen, Ph.D

Abstract: Stem cells have shown therapeutic promise against various diseases. Recent advances in tissue engineering show that applications of stem cells significantly improve the tissue regeneration process. In this direction, studies have shown the promise of stem cells in head and neck surgery to treat various associated diseases. The inherent properties of stem cells like self-renewal and maintenance of pluripotency aid the process

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Case Report Pages 119-121

Atypical Presentation of a Sinonasal Adenocarcinoma Clinically Mimicking a Mucocele: Case Report

Authors: Radhi M El Hafed, Ahmadou A, Chebaatha A, Oukessou Y, Rouadi S, Abada RA, Roubal M and Mahtar M

Abstract: Sinonasal adenocarcinomas are rare, it represent 4 to 20% of nasosinusian carcinomas, the latest WHO 2017 classification distinguishes two types: Intestinal type adenocarcinomas (ITAC) and non-intestinal type, with different prognosis; intestinal adenocarcinomas being more aggressive with a mortality rate around 53%; nasal obstruction, epistaxis, and rhinorrhea are common symptoms, the rhinoscopy found multiple fleshy, bleeding formations in contact, occupying nasal cavities first evokes a mucocele.

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Research Article Pages 113-118

Branchial Cleft Excision in the Adult Population

Authors: Joseph G Brungardt, MD, Adam C Kahle, MD and Kurt P Schropp, MD

Abstract: Branchial clefts are most often associated with the pediatric population but can also affect adults. The adult population undergoing branchial cleft excision is poorly described. This study sought to describe the population and outcomes of those undergoing branchial cleft excision.

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