ICV Value = 85.75
ISSN: 2642-5033
Home / Browse Journals & Books / Annals of Gynecology and Obstetrics / Archive / Volume 6, Issue 1
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Case Report Pages 171-172
Abstract: Imperforate hymen is relatively rare, but it is the most common obstructive abnormality of the female lower genital tract. The clinical presentation varies considerably from patient to patient depending on the age at which the diagnosis is made, but in most cases the diagnosis is missed in early childhood. Therefore, the diagnosis is made after puberty when the patient has hematocolpos, hematoma or both.
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Research Article Pages 167-170
Abstract: Aim of this study is to assess the role of cancer antigen (CA-125) in detection of ovarian malignancy in premenopausal women with ovarian mass. This observational study was carried out in (blinded). It included 200 women who had preliminary diagnosis of adnexal mass whatever its nature. Adnexal masses were detected either clinically or by ultrasound.
Original Article Pages 161-166
Abstract: Doppler ultrasound is widely used in obstetrics. However, the biological effects of high energy from Doppler ultrasonography have not been clearly revealed. Animal studies have shown negative effects on the fetus, but studies on humans are limited. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of Doppler ultrasonography used in early pregnancy weeks (6-12 week) to detect fetal cardiac activity on pregnancy outcomes (number of births and abortions, type of delivery, cesarean
Research Article Pages 154-160
Abstract: Hypertension is the most common medical problem encountered during pregnancy complicating 10% of pregnancies. It is the third leading cause of maternal mortality and the first leading cause of perinatal mortality.
Case Report Pages 151-153
Abstract: Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) derives from the abnormal proliferation of placental trophoblastic cells and it has various of clinical manifestations. However, some patients have had the metastases before admitted to hospital or see the doctor due to the metastatic site symptom. Here we report a case of a young woman followed fatal hepatorrhexis
Case Report Pages 147-150
Abstract: Unilateral multiple ectopic gestations are very rare, and usually associated with in vitro fertilization as has been reported in studies. Unilateral twin ectopic gestation occurs in about 1 in 200 ectopic gestations. Unilateral triplet ectopic gestation is even more rare.
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