Table 2: Association between patients with kidney rejection and without rejection as regards MPA AUC and level of CXCL10.

No kidney rejection (n = 45) Kidney rejection (n = 5) U P
MPA area under curve (× 103) mV/min
Min.-Max. 71.74-1872.0 23.9-62.2 0.0* < 0.001*
Mean ± SD. 572.2 ± 502.8 45.7 ± 15.3
Median 441.8 46.1
CXCL-10 (pg/ml)
Min.-Max. 0.15-116.57 106.58-169.05 3.000* < 0.001*
Mean ± SD. 43.91 ± 31.70 132.70 ± 24.27
Median 45.35 132.50

U, p: U and p values for Mann whitney test for comparing between the two groups.
*: Statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05.