Table 3: Effects of tillage, N application and different seasons on Δ13C values (%) of wheat anthesis dry matter*.

Year Conventional till (CT) No-till (NT) Year mean
No N added (N0) 75 kg N ha-1 (N75) No N added (N0) 75 kg N ha-1 (N75)
1992 15.54 15.43 16.44 16.04 15.86
1993 nd nd nd nd nd
1994 16.42 15.41 16.46 15.52 15.95
1995 15.34 14.95 16.17 15.54 15.50
1996 17.37 16.70 17.23 16.66 16.99
Mean 16.17 15.62 16.58 15.94 16.08

*Treatment effects: least significant difference at P < 0.05; year, 0.26; tillage, 0.22; N, 0.22; year × tillage, 0.37; year × N, 0.37. Tillage × N and year × tillage × N interactions were not significant.