Table 4: Summary of mean season-long, area-scaled methane (CH4) emissions, rice yield, and methane emissions intensity for the various water management/cultivar
treatment combinations and water management practices averaged across cultivars during the 2015 growing season at the Rice Research and Extension Center near Stuttgart, Arkansas.

Water management/Cultivar combination Methane emissions (kg CH4-C ha-1 season-1) Rice yield(Mg ha-1) Emissions intensity(kg CH4-C Mg grain-1)
Mid-season-drain/LaKast 56.6 10.0 5.67a
Mid-season-drain/XL753 28.9 11.5 2.52b
Mid-season-drain mean 42.8b 10.7 3.99
Full-season-flood/LaKast 76.4 10.3 7.39a
Full-season-flood/XL753 79.1 12.6 6.29a
Full-season-flood mean 77.7a 11.4 6.79

Values in same column followed by different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05); a and b show results of statistical analyses.