Table 1: Leukocytes, RBC and Platelets number in whole blood (control group) and red clot after PRF membrane collecting (test group).

Leukocytes/μl RBC/μl Platelets/μl
Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range
Control 6.900 6.100-7.800 5.19 (106) 5.01-5.52 (106) 2.66 (105) 2.18-3.09 (105)
Group 1 3.500 3.000-3.800 5.89 (106) 5.75-6.08 (106) 6.000 4.000-8000
Group 2 3.600 3.300-4.000 5.84 (106) 5.78-5.91 (106) 7.000 6.000-9000