Table 3: Piperidine alkaloids in in vitro grown plants of A. gariepensis, A. globuligemma and A. viguieri.

Species Sample Rt (min) Match (%) Name Area (%) of extractf
A. gariepensisd Leaf - - No piperidine alkaloids -
Root 4.55 a (Coniine) Trace
5.05 a (N-Methylconiine) Trace
A. globuligemma Leaf 5.85c b Coniine 0.53
6.40c b N-Methylconiine 10.93
6.50c b γ-Coniceine 4.24
Root - - No piperidine alkaloids -
A. viguierie Leaf 4.55 b Coniine 4.98
5.05 b N-Methylconiine 1.48
5.25 90 γ-Coniceine 1.89
Root 4.55 86 Coniine 0.26
5.05 a (N-Methylconiine) Trace
5.25 a (γ-Coniceine) Trace

Traces in brackets. aIdentified on the basis of the base peak fragment present (coniine m/z 84, γ-coniceine m/z 97, N-methylconiine m/z 98); bIdentified by comparison to known spectra ([43] Palisade Complete 600K Mass Spectral Library); cDifferent GC-MS analysis conditions; dCell lines A-C of A. gariepensis did not contain piperidine alkaloids; eCell lines D-F of A. viguieri did not contain piperidine alkaloids; fThe repeatability for coniine standard is 2.7% RSD (n = 6).