Table 5: Average power values per repetition (in W) in the 4 tests applied and their relative variation (%) Vel: 300 °/s.

  Test 1 2 Variation 1:2 3 Variation 2:3 4 Variation 3:4
Extensors   173 166 -4% 171 3% 208 22%
Flexors   140 125 -11% 143 14% 149 4%

For extensors                                                                                 For flexors

H = 4.3548                                                                                       H = 4.3548
Degrees of freedom = 1                                                                  Degrees of freedom = 1
(p) Kruskal-Wallis = 0.0369                                                          (p) Kruskal-Wallis = 0.0369
Student-Newman-Keuls    Dif. Posts             p-value                 Student-Newman-Keuls   Dif post p-value
 Groups (5 and 6) =             3.0000                0.0495                  Groups (7 and 8) =              3.0000 0.0495