Table 1: Summary of clinical case (IR- Internal Rotation, Add- Adduction, ER- External Rotation, IFS- Ischiofemoral space).


Right hip

Left hip

Clinical features

Hip pain with extension to buttock and thigh

Pain and limitation in the extremes of movement (mainly IR, Add and ER)

Hip pain with occasional groin pain

Imaging findings


-Crossover sign

-Narrowing of the IFS

-Sclerosis in the lesser tuberosity


-Narrowing of the IFS-hyper-signal, edema and wasting of the quadratus femoris muscle

-Collection in the IFS


-Crossover sign

-Narrowing of the IFS



-Narrowing of the IFS

-Hyper-signal, edema and wasting of the quadratus femoris muscle

Outcome after surgery

No symptoms at 14 months post-operative

No symptoms at 14 months post-operative