Table 2: Knowledge of standard precautions.

Variable Frequency (n = 113) Percentage
*Disease likely to be contracted by not following SP
Hepatitis 94 83.2
Tuberculosis Cancer 68 27 60.2 23.9
Tetanus 61 54.0
HIV/AIDS 79 69.9
*Components of SP
Use of PPE 113 100.0
Hand washing 103 91.2
Proper disposal of sharps 113 100.0
Appropriate waste management 101 89.4
Sterilization of dental instrument 113 100.0
*When SP should be employed
Only for suspected high risk patients 44 38.9
For all patients 109 96.5
For no patients 28 24.8
After diagnostic test are run on patients 50 44.2  
*Situation that put patients at risk of hospital acquired infection through health worker
Not wearing gloves during patients handling 53 46.9
Not wearing gloves during handling of instrument 50 44.2
Handshake with relatives 10 8.8
Artificial fingernails 0 0
*Critical moments hand washing is important
Before touching patients 95 84.1
In between patients 62 54.9
After physical contact with patients 93 82.3
Immediately after a risk of body fluid exposure 96 85.0
After exposure to the immediate surroundings of a patient 88 77.9
Immediately before an aseptic procedure 80 70.8
After inserting an invasive device 75 66.4
*Facemask should be worn for the following reasons
When patients have bad breath/ halitosis 93 82.3
When aerosols are generated from dental procedure 104 92.0
When it is ascertained that patient has transmittable ID 94 83.2
All times there is contact with patients or its body fluids 97 85.8

SP = Standard precaution; PPE = Personal protective equipment; ID = Infectious disease; *Multiple response