Table 3: Quiz results before and after instruction.

95% Confidence interval for Mean
Group and quiz N Mean score SD Lower bound Upper bound Min score Max score P value before and after instruction
1 Before instruction 43 35.77 11.753 32.15 39.38 13 62 P < 0.001
After instruction 43 58.79 13.684 54.58 63.00 30 87
2 Before instruction 44 35.39 10.771 32.11 38.66 12 57 P < 0.001
After instruction 44 51.84 14.870 47.32 56.36 25 86
3 Before instruction 32 32.63 10.289 28.92 36.33 19 69 P < 0.001
After instruction 32 67.94 13.926 62.92 72.96 40 93
4 Before instruction 31 33.48 9.664 29.94 37.03 15 63 P < 0.001
After instruction 31 66.58 14.160 61.39 71.77 39 96

A significant increase in mean, minimal and maximal quiz scores is evident in all four groups two weeks after the instruction, compared to initial results. The final scores of groups 3 and 4 (receiving a focused lecture and a hands-on demonstration, respectively) are significantly higher (p = 0.000) than in groups 1 (standard lecture) and 2 (flyer).