Table 2: Example of the process from quotations to theme.




Theme 2:Negative emotions at diagnosis


“Receiving the call that I was positive in the test for COVID-19, my mind went blank. Everyone was panic-stricken. I had not planned for this, and could not imagine what could come of it.” (P3) “My dad was the first person infected in our family, and then me and my mom. I remember we began to panic. My mom made many phone calls, and she was frantic.” (P4)


“I tested positive. When I learned the test result, I felt complicated emotions. Time after time I fell into desperation, yet I rallied, but then, desperation overcame me once again.” (P8)

“I still remember the day that the virus hit my family; first my grandma, then my dad, and later my sister and me. What replayed again and again in my head was my grandma suffering and my dad crying. Everyone in the family was in sheer desperation.” (P7)