Table 2: Pre- and post-intervention standardized measurement scores for the overall study sample.

Concepts, Measures Score range Mean (SD) Median P-value
Expression of feelings
MSE§ Pre-test 3-9 6.43 (1.40) 6.00
Post-test 4-9 6.67 (1.03) 7.00 0.705
Meaningfulness Day1 4-8 6.29 (1.60) 7.00
of the log Day2 3-9 5.71 (2.06) 5.00
Day3 5-9 7.14 (1.57) 8.00
Day4 6-10 8.00 (1.29) 8.00 0.026§§,*
APSF-S§ Pre-test 1-3 1.75 (0.71) 2.00
Post-test 1-3 1.88 (0.64) 2.00 0.564
Weekday time§ Pre-test 0-120 78.33 (49.97) 90.00
Post-test 30-240 76.25 (67.18) 60.00 1.000
Weekend time§ Pre-test 0-360 110.00 (103.34) 90.00
Post-test 0-360 157.50 (106.07) 120.00 0.066
Caregiving burden
J-ZBI†† Pre-test 10-73 48.50 (20.51) 49.00
Post-test 2-73 39.75 (25.45) 45.50 0.063
Gender pressure
SESRA-S§ Pre-test 57-62 60.13 (1.96) 60.50
Post-test 57-71 62.13 (6.06) 58.50 0.498
Depressed mood
CES-D Pre-test 3-40 17.38 (11.43) 14.50
Post-test 4-49 17.50 (14.31) 15.00 0.833
Role acceptance
RAS§ Pre-test 15-30 23.88 (5.00) 24.00
Post-test 11-32 24.13 (7.24) 25.00 0.892

N = 8. APSF-S: Actual Private Space Function Scale from Tomari and Yoshida (2004) [24]; CES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale from Shima, Shikano, Kitamura, and Asai (1985) [31]; Expression of feelings: express the oppressed feelings or demands; Gender pressure: Japanese gender role pressure; J-ZBI: Japanese Zarit Burden Interview from Arai, et al. (1997) [29]; Meaningfulness of the log from the log writing exercise from Pennebaker (2004) [24], which was measured after the caregiver completed the writing log for each 4 days. There was one missing value as a caregiver did not complete the writing log at the planned interval; MSE: Measure of Self Expression from Shimada and Satoh (1999) [27]; RAS: Role Acceptance Scale from Mikawa (2004) [32]; SESRA-S: Scale of Egalitarian Sex Role Attitudes-short version from Suzuki (2004) [30]; Weekday time: self-care time (minutes) on weekdays; Weekend time: self-care time (minutes) during the weekends.

SD: Standard Deviation. §A higher score indicates improvement. A lower score indicates improvement. A score above 5 indicates improvement.

The Wilcoxon signed-rank test (two-tailed) was used to evaluate the differences between pre- and post-intervention scores. §§Meaningfulness of the log was evaluated the differences between the Day 1 and 4.

*P < 0.05, P < 0.1.