Table 3: Illness perception in the intervention and control group when the measurements M1, M2 and M3 are combined.

Scale from 0 = not at all to 10 = very much
Intervention group n = 24 Control group n = 41-45 depending on measurement point
Mean Md StDev Mean Md StDev
How much does the illness affect your everyday life? 5.29 5.00 3.17 6.16 7.00 3.20
How long do you think the illness will take? 3.25 3.00 2.01 4.80 5.00 2.91
How much do you think you can control the illness? 5.04 5.00 2.93 5.30 6.00 3.04
How much do you think the care alternatives help in your case?* 8.9 9.00 1.16 9.19 9.00 1.03
How much do you perceive symptoms? 2.96 2.00 1.85 4.02 4.00 3.01
How worried are you about the illness? 4.50 4.00 2.96 5.67 5.00 3.20
How well do you perceive you understand the illness?* 8.63 9.00 1.66 8.53 9.00 1.40
How much does the illness affect you emotionally? 5.00 5.50 3.19 4.86 4.00 3.11
Sum 3.55 3.88 1.60 4.09 3.88 1.74

*Reversed in the sum analysis.