Table 1: Items on the 30-item-BSS developed from the literature review by Hollins Martin and Fleming (201) and concurrently validated by Hollins Martin, et al. (2012).
• -Quality of Care (QC) (8-items) (Q, 10, 12, 13, 14, 24, 26, 27, 28) • -Women's Attributes (WA) (8-items) (Q1, 2, 3, 11, 15, 16, 17, 25) • -Stress Experienced (SE) (14-items) (Q4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18,19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30) |
(1) I coped well during my birth. |
(2) The delivery room staff encouraged me to make decisions about how I wanted my birth to progress. |
(3) I was well prepared for my labour, i.e., read a lot of literature and/or attended parenthood education. |
(4) I found giving birth a distressing experience. |
(5) I came through childbirth virtually unscathed. |
(6) I gave birth to a healthy normal baby. |
(7) During labour I received outstanding medical care. |
(8) I received a lot of medical intervention, i.e., induction, forceps, section etc. |
(9) I had a swift and speedy labour. |
(10) I felt well supported by my partner during labour and birth. |
(11) I was encouraged to hold my baby for a substantial amount of time after birth. |
(12) My birth experience was considerably different to what I intended. |
(13) I had the same midwife throughout the entire process of labour and delivery. |
(14) I felt that the delivery room was unthreatening and comfortable. |
(15) I felt very anxious during my labour and birth. |
(16) I felt out of control during my birth experience. |
(17) I felt it was better not to know in advance about the processes of giving birth. |
(18) I was not distressed at all during labour. |
(19) I felt mutilated by my birth experience. |
(20) My baby was avoidably hurt during birth. |
(21) The staff provided me with insufficient medical care during my birth. |
(22) I had a natural labour, i.e., minimal medical intervention. |
(23) I thought my labour was excessively long. |
(24) I felt well supported by staff during my labour and birth. |
(25) I was separated from my baby for a considerable period of time after my birth. |
(26) My birth proceeded as I planned it. |
(27) The staff communicated well with me during labour. |
(28) The delivery room was clean and hygienic. |
(29) Giving birth was incredibly painful. |
(30) Labour was not as painful as I imagined. |
Participants respond on a 5-point Likert scale based on level of agreement/disagreement with each of the statements placed, with a possible range of scores between 30-150. A score of 30 represents least 'birth satisfaction' and 150 most. • Strongly agree • Agree • Neither agree or disagree • Disagree • Strongly disagree |
To obtain a copy of the 30-BSS and marking grid contact Prof Caroline J Hollins Martin. Email: |