Table 1: Items on the 30-item-BSS developed from the literature review by Hollins Martin and Fleming (201) and concurrently validated by Hollins Martin, et al. (2012).

• -Quality of Care (QC) (8-items) (Q, 10, 12, 13, 14, 24, 26, 27, 28)
• -Women's Attributes (WA) (8-items) (Q1, 2, 3, 11, 15, 16, 17, 25)
• -Stress Experienced (SE) (14-items) (Q4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18,19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30)
(1) I coped well during my birth.
(2) The delivery room staff encouraged me to make decisions about how I wanted my birth to progress.
(3) I was well prepared for my labour, i.e., read a lot of literature and/or attended parenthood education.
(4) I found giving birth a distressing experience.
(5) I came through childbirth virtually unscathed.
(6) I gave birth to a healthy normal baby.
(7) During labour I received outstanding medical care.
(8) I received a lot of medical intervention, i.e., induction, forceps, section etc.
(9) I had a swift and speedy labour.
(10) I felt well supported by my partner during labour and birth.
(11) I was encouraged to hold my baby for a substantial amount of time after birth.
(12) My birth experience was considerably different to what I intended.
(13) I had the same midwife throughout the entire process of labour and delivery.
(14) I felt that the delivery room was unthreatening and comfortable.
(15) I felt very anxious during my labour and birth.
(16) I felt out of control during my birth experience.
(17) I felt it was better not to know in advance about the processes of giving birth.
(18) I was not distressed at all during labour.
(19) I felt mutilated by my birth experience.
(20) My baby was avoidably hurt during birth.
(21) The staff provided me with insufficient medical care during my birth.
(22) I had a natural labour, i.e., minimal medical intervention.
(23) I thought my labour was excessively long.
(24) I felt well supported by staff during my labour and birth.
(25) I was separated from my baby for a considerable period of time after my birth.
(26) My birth proceeded as I planned it.
(27) The staff communicated well with me during labour.
(28) The delivery room was clean and hygienic.
(29) Giving birth was incredibly painful.
(30) Labour was not as painful as I imagined.
Participants respond on a 5-point Likert scale based on level of agreement/disagreement with each of the statements placed, with a possible range of scores between 30-150. A score of 30 represents least 'birth satisfaction' and 150 most.
• Strongly agree
• Agree
• Neither agree or disagree
• Disagree
• Strongly disagree
To obtain a copy of the 30-BSS and marking grid contact Prof Caroline J Hollins Martin. Email: