Table 7: Possibilities of cell therapy.




Cure may be possible if right cell can be transplanted which can grow, produce dopamine, can survive for longer period of times, but can differentiate, and should not have any ethical issues.

·         Neural stem cells (hNSCs): Stem cells have high migratory capacity after transplantation into the brain, and can be genetically modified in vitro. Therefore, they can be an efficient candidate to deliver neurotropic factors or enhance gene expression to modify the course of the disease [70-72].

·         They also release DA in response to substrate (DOPA)-induced condition than those obtained in control groups [73].

·         These cells also express DAT (Dopamine Transporter), that controls the physiological label of DA in the synaptic cleft [73].

ESCs-derived NPCs: Transplantation of these cells into the injured hippocampus demonstrate the formation of synapses between host and grafted neural cells, and also improve the memory dysfunction [74,75].

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs): Neurons derived from human iPSCs are endowed with a remarkable potential to establish orthotropic long-range projections in the adult mammalian brain [76].

NSCs: In mouse AD model, the transplantation of NSCs was reported to improved cognition function mediated by the neurotropic factor BDNF [77].