Table 4: Genes involved.




·         The strong risk factor for AD, ApoE4, has been related to cognitive decline in PD [42] and Dementia also [43-45].

·         Genetic overlap between AD, PD and Dementia was also discovered [46,47].

·         Genetic association study proved rs76904798 of LRRK2 significantly reduce late-onset AD risk in Han Chinese [47]; and it is found Dominant in dementia [35,36].

·         APP: Ab precursor protein, Dominant [48].

·         PRKN: Parkin: Recessive [32]

·                     PSEN1: Presenilin1; Dominant [28]

Recent reports have suggested that some cases of PD and FTD may also be caused by mutations in PSEN1 [49]

·         PSEN2: Presenilin 2: Dominant [29,30].

·         PINK1: PTEN induced putative kinase 1: Recessive [34].

·         The rs356182 locates in the intron of SNCA, which is the coding gene of α-synuclein which has key role PD genesis [50-52].

·         SNCA: α-synuclein: Dominant [31].


MAPT: Microtubule-associated protein tau: Dominant [22].

DJ1: DJ1: Recessive [33].

The AD risk factor SORL1 had been identified to be associated with PD recently [53].