Table 1: Studies reporting epilepsy as first sign of the AD.

Author MCI AD Seizures preceding cognitive impairment Seizures concomitant with cognitive impairment Generalized Parzial Auras
Rao (2009) [9] 10 - - - - - -
Picco (2011) [13] 1 1 (1 year) - 1 -
Vossel (2013) [10] 8 8 1 MCI
1 AD
7 AD
- - -
Cretin (2015) [14] 1 1 - 1 -
Cretin (2016) [11] 13 (3.1%) - 10 (2.7 years) 3 2 11 -
Zarea (2016) [16] 4 (3%) - 4 - - - -
DiFrancesco (2017) [12] 23 (1.7%) - 23 (4.6 years) - 11 5 -
Sarkis (2018) [15] 3 1 (3 years) 2 - - 3