Table 1: Elemental analysis of the dead biomass of E. nigrum.

Dead biomass of E. nigrum After modification with ferric chloride nanoparticles After biosorption of thorium After elution by 0.1 N HCl
P 1.85 7.44 UDL UDL
S 2.70 2.39 UDL UDL
O 14.33 3.44 UDL UDL
N 21.23 2.31 2.09 2.37
C 55.88 14.87 1.13 80.87
K 4.01 2.39 2.02 1.13
Fe UDL 67.16 4.33 12.39
Th UDL UDL 90.43 3.25
Wt% 100 99.97 100 100.1

UDL: Under detection limit.