Table 1: Internal reliability, means, standard deviations, F values, effect-sizes and qualitative interpretations for the BDI-II and BAI scores.

Measure α Pre-treatment N = 20 Mean SD Post-treatment N = 20 Mean SD Follow-up N = 18 Mean SD F value Glass's Δ T1-T2 Glass's Δ T1-T3
BDI-II Score 0.899 26.45 (12.53)a,b 10.9 (08.94)a 16.94 (09.34)b 11.27*** 1.74 1.02
Qualitative Description Moderate Minimal Mild Large Large
BAI Score 0.914 20.3 (13.18)a 9.3 (09.67)a 15.76 (11.99) 4.47* 1.14 0.38
Qualitative Description Moderate Mild Mild Large Small

BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory -II; BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory; a = Post-hoc Bonferroni comparison (P < 0.05): Pre-treatment versus post-treatment; b = Post-hoc Bonferroni comparison (P < 0.05): Pre-treatment versus follow-up; α = Cronbach's Alpha reliability at pre-treatment; Δ = Glass's Delta effect-size; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.