Table 1: Patient demographics and pre-treatment PCa characteristics.

Active Surveillance (n = 118)

Primary Focal Cryotherapy (n = 61)

Total (n = 179)

Race (p = 0.214)


0 (0.0%)

2 (3.3%)

2 (1.1%)


6 (5.1%)

2 (3.3%)

8 (4.5%)


110 (93.2%)

55 (90.2%)

165 (92.2%)

Unknown/not reported

2 (1.7%)

2 (3.3%)

4 (2.2%)

Ethnicity (p = 1.00)


3 (2.5%)

2 (3.3%)

5 (2.8%)

Not Hispanic/Latino

106 (89.8%)

55 (90.2%)

161 (89.9%)

Unknown/not reported

9 (7.6%)

4 (6.6%)

13 (7.3%)

Median Age*+ (p = 0.107)

68 (64, 74)

71 (66, 74)

69 (65, 74)

Baseline Gleason Score# (p < 0.001)


2 (1.7%)

0 (0.0%)

2 (1.1%)

(3 + 3) = 6

96 (82.0%)

32 (53.3%)

128 (72.3%)

(3 + 4) = 7

17 (14.5%)

14 (23.3%)

31 (17.5%)

(4 + 3) = 7

2 (1.7%)

9 (15.0%)

11 (6.2%)

(4 + 4) = 8

0 (0.0%)

5 (8.3%)

5 (2.8%)

Median Baseline PSA#+ (p = 0.566)

5.3 (3.8, 6.7)

5.6 (3.9, 7.1)

5.4 (3.8, 6.7)

*At time of survey completion, #Most recent result prior to initiation of AS/treatment with PFC, +Median results provided with IQR.