Table 3: Cox regression models: Hazard ratios for CWP ≥ 0/1 and cumulative exposure to respirable coal mine dust, or mean concentration and exposure duration, and covariables. No. of subjects = 1369, No. of cases = 72.

Covariable Haz. ratio Std. err 95% CI P > |z|
Approach 1
Cumulative coal mine dust (mg/m3-years) 1.014 0.008 0.999 1.031 0.074
Height (cm) 0.994 0.020 0.956 1.033 0.753
Weight (kg) 1.020 0.008 1.004 1.036 0.015
Non-german nationality** 1.695 0.335 0.880 3.268 0.115
Coking coal** 1.190 0.274 0.696 2.034 0.525
Active smoker** 1.782 0.324 0.944 3.363 0.075
Former smoker** 1.016 0.398 0.466 2.215 0.968
Approach 2
Mean concentration of coal mine dust (mg/m3) 0.997 0.198 0.676 1.471 0.988
Exposure duration (year) 1.082 0.033 1.014 1.154 0.017
Height (cm) 0.993 0.020 0.955 1.033 0.732
Weight (kg) 1.019 0.008 1.003 1.036 0.023
Non-german nationality** 1.733 0.338 0.894 3.358 0.103
Coking coal** 1.324 0.279 0.766 2.287 0.314
Active smoker** 1.696 0.323 0.900 3.196 0.102
Former smoker** 0.935 0.399 0.428 2.043 0.866

Statistics: Hazard ratio with standard error; Wald test: z-value, Two-sided p-value; CI: Confidence interval.

**Reference: German nationality; Gas and flaming coal; Non-smoker.