Table 6: Data extraction form.

# Data Extraction Category Description Purpose
Study General Description
1 Identifier Identifier number (DOI)
2 Date Data extraction date
Study Description
1 Title Title of study
2 Author Name Name of study authors
3 Country Country of study publication (first author)
4 Publication Year Publication year
5 Type Conference proceedings, Journal article
6 Venue Name of conference or Journal
7 Author Affiliation(s) Affiliation of author(s) (first author)
Study Content
1 Objectives Objectives of study
2 Method Method to support objectives RQ1
3 Techniques Clustering-discovery, Clustering-recommendation, Association rules-discovery, Association rules-recommendation, or Combined RQ1
4 Algorithm Name of algorithm in study RQ1
5 Evaluation Metric Name of evaluation metric RQ1
6 Metric Purpose Evaluation metric purpose RQ1
7 Dataset Name of dataset for validation RQ2
8 WS in Dataset Number of WS in dataset RQ2
9 Senvs. Syn Dataset Semantic or syntax datasets RQ2
10 Dataset Purpose Recommendation or discovery RQ2
11 Future Direction Future direction RQ3
12 Limitations Restriction of the work RQ3
13 Challenges What challenges in this study are associated with Web services discovery and recommendations?