Table 1: PICOS criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies.

PICOS Criteria




- Study subjects being primary school children

- Study participants being from a developing country

- Pre-school children and high school children

- Study participants being from a developed country


- School feeding - in-school meals provided; breakfast or lunch or snacks

- Take home food rations

- School based micronutrient supplementation

- Food stamps


- Articles with an intervention and comparison group/control group

- Control/comparison group did receive any kind of

- Control group receiving any form of in-school feeding/micronutrient supplementation


- Primary: Studies that measured indicators of iron deficiency anaemia (haemoglobin and serum ferritin concentrations)

- Secondary: Dietary iron consumption from in-school meals

Study Design

- Randomized trials

- Observational studies; to be used for only qualitative synthesis

- Conference abstracts of randomized trials without sufficient information